It is easy to get wrapped up in school work at times, but it is also important to get involved on campus and really get the most out of your college experience. Through extracurriculars you can make new friends, participate in service projects, and perhaps take on a leadership role.

Where do I start?
There are many extracurriculars that you can find at Rutgers. Every fall semester there is an involvement fair where all clubs and organizations gather and advertise themselves. This is a great place to see all the clubs that the school has to offer, maybe some that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise. If you miss this fair, don’t worry! You can check out the getInvolved website and browse the different organizations. Here is the link:
What kind of extracurricular activities should I get involved in?
Organizations like us, Rutgers Pre-dental Society! These are several other clubs where you can also meet pre-dental students:
Dental Knights Association
SEBS Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Society
Clubs pertaining to your major. Each major has a related club - here you can meet people with similar interests or goals. You can also receive help in your specific major’s courses and tips on which classes or professors to enroll in, from people who have already taken them. Here are a few examples:
Cell Biology and Neuroscience Society
G.H. Cook Biochemistry & Microbiology Club
Association of Undergraduate Geneticists
Women in the Health Professions
Service related clubs. It can be really fulfilling to help with service projects and give back to the community. You can also log in any volunteering hours you receive from these organizations on the dental school application. Here are some examples:
Rutgers Association for Neurological Disorders: raise awareness about neurological disorders
Bloustein Public Service Association: participate in public service projects and events
Alpha Phi Omega: a co-ed national service fraternity
Youth Empowerment Club: this is a club, but you can also simply get involved in A2E as a volunteer tutor, where you go to the Roosevelt Elementary School just off the College Ave campus and help students after school with their reading and math skills
Sports. If you are interested in any sports, you can try getting involved in an intramural club.
Ultimately, get involved in anything that you’re really interested in! You don’t want to talk about something you don’t feel passionate about if it gets brought up in interviews. If you don’t see a club for something you enjoy, you can always begin your own!
by Courtney Wong